
How to 添加 and 减少课程


To 添加 courses before 的 course begins, follow 的 below steps:

  1. Do you have a current CCCAPPLY application on file?
    • If yes, go ahead and follow 的 below steps.
    • If no, first you must apply via CCCAPPLY, 的n follow 的 below steps.
  2. 检查你的 自助服务 and make sure you don't have outstanding balances or holds that may prevent you from 注册.
    • Outstanding balances can be paid via 自助服务 under Student Finance => Make a Payment
    • Holds - when trying to register you will see a notice at 的 top right corner of your 自助服务 indicating 的 reason why you cannot 添加 a course. 如果你需要帮助 understanding 的 hold, reach out to 招生 & 记录.
  3. 你是:

Make sure to have completed steps 1-3 on 的 above section. 

How to 添加 a class using 添加授权 once 的 course has begun.

As of 的 first day of 的 class, regardless of whe的r 的 class is open or has a waitlist you must get permission from 的 instructor to 添加 的 class .  请 电子邮件 的 instructor to express your interest in 添加ing 的 class. 

Instructions on how to 添加 a class using 的 添加授权.

Necessary details to include in 的 电子邮件 to 的 instructor: 

  • 全名:姓和名

  • seven digit student ID number

  • course name and section number

Based on 的 availability of seats in 的 class, 的 instructor will grant 的 student permission to 添加 的 class.  After 的 instructor has granted permission to 的 student, 的 student must complete 的 添加 by logging on to 自助服务.

You must 添加 的 course within 的 first 2-week of 的 start of 的 term for semester 长课程(16周). 

整学期课程 是16周的课程. 

  • 最后期限 添加 a full semester course is 的 Saturday of 的 2nd week of 的 semester. 有 no exceptions beyond this deadline.
  • 有 various drop deadlines. 请参阅 威尼斯人平台 学生学期日历.

短期课程 长度不同. Some short courses will be 15-weeks and o的rs might be 8-weeks. 

  • The 添加 authorization must be used online using 自助服务 by 的 2nd class meeting.
  • Short courses have very compressed drop deadlines. Any drops after 的 2nd class meeting will result in a withdrawal grade.

If you miss 的 添加 period, you will not be 添加ed to 的 course.

学生 may drop a class by using 自助服务. Add and drop dates are published in 的 课程时间表 都可以在 学生学期日历. 

Dropping a course is not an automatic process. 学生 who are not present at 的 first class meeting may be dropped by 的 instructor as a "no show". 然而,它是 的 student's responsibility to drop any classes in which he/she is not planning to 参加. Failure to do so may result in an "F" grade.  请 follow this link to view 的 出勤政策

自助服务 is available 24 hours a day.


招生 & 记录及服务时间

Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 5:00pm   
星期五 上午8时至下午1时 

*Hours are subject to change and will be posted outside 的 office


  • 招生及记录
    电话: (831) 755-6711 Fax: (831) 759-6014
    建筑: B -学生服务
    办公室: B-121
    B -学生服务
